Firing up the community
In the wake of prolonged closures of fitness clubs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Basic-Fit, No.1 fitness company, approached Whyte for assistance to help them make the voices of athletes heard.
In the wake of prolonged closures of fitness clubs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Basic-Fit, the leading fitness company approached Whyte for assistance in advocating for the swift reopening of their facilities. To achieve this goal, we devised a comprehensive public affairs strategy while also leveraging the power of athletes’ voices to garner greater support among decision-makers.
To amplify the message, we launched a dynamic social media campaign (#Openmyfitness). This campaign included a consumer challenge and ambassador activation, urging athletes to dedicate 200 seconds – one second for each day that fitness centers remained closed- to show their support.
The campaign’s storytelling, disseminated through earned, owned and paid channels, revolved around the fact that fitness has an impact on physical but more importantly on our mental health. Research conducted by Basic-Fit revealed that the inability to access fitness facilities caused feelings of sadness and frustration among individuals. It emphasized that fitness and sports play a crucial role in preventive healthcare and boost immunity.
The campaign garnered significant attention and, in combination with our targeted stakeholder outreach efforts, exerted influence on the subsequent consultative committee. As a result, all fitness centers were granted permission to reopen. This collaboration between Whyte, StudioTokyo and Twyst gave Basic-Fit its "License to Operate”.

Best of Awards
Whyte received three awards for the #OpenMyFitness campaign.